Lidaretto CL360 is the most powerful mobile mapping system we offer. Does not matter if you mount it on vehicle, UAV or even helicopter it will provide perfect clean and dense point cloud with high positioning accuracy. Add 360 camera and DMI, and you will get very competitively priced high end mapping solution.
Find out more about lidaretto and what our solution can do for you.
Laser | Class 1 – Eye safe |
Channels | Single beam Profiler |
Scan Speed | Up to 250 lines/s |
Measure Range | Up to 490m |
Accuracy | 5mm |
Number of returns | Max. 4 |
GNSS receiver | Novatel OEM7, 555 channels, dual GNSS |
GNSS accuracy | PP 1-2cm |
IMU accuracy | PP Heading/Pitch/Roll - 0.011/0.005/0.005 |
Mounting brackets | Custom made for UAV, car or backpack |
GNSS antennas | For UAV, car or backpack, including custom cables |
GNSS postprocessing SW | Perpetual, One year, as a Service |
RGB option | Additional camera for point clouds coloring |