We are the company GEOTECH producing Lidaretto, a compact multiplatform mobile mapping scanning system suitable for more applications than you can imagine. Our goal is to bring the mobile mapping technologies to the masses by producing high quality products at affordable costs.
GEOTECH was founded in 1994, and since 1995, it has been reselling products of the Swiss company Leica Geosystems. In 2000, GEOTECH became the official and sole representative of Leica Geosystems in Slovakia offering a full range of measuring technologies for the surveying, construction, mapping, GIS, agriculture, forestry, and many other areas. Besides Leica Geosystems, GEOTECH is a representative of other leading manufacturers. You can see our portfolio on geotech.sk.
In 2015, GEOTECH started to develop Lidaretto by integrating Velodyne’s Lidar modules with high accuracy positioning systems by Novatel into the compact multiplatform mobile mapping solution. We have used our long-term experience in measuring and positioning technologies, and made Lidaretto a great product with many unique features. We are perfectionists keeping on improving our solution in every detail. We thank to our partners and clients to allow us to be still better and grow.
Dipl. Ing. Erik Frohmann, PhD.
Chief Technology Officer at GEOTECH Bratislava